2020 Projects
Internal Projects, Research, and Publications
Multi-UAV Search and Rescue
The 2020 I/ITSEC IronDev challenged teams to make a collaborative, distributed virtual environment to showcase augmented and virtual reality technology.
To meet the challenge, the GRILL® team chose to create a distributed, collaborative UAV search and rescue simulation.
The simulation allows for the operation of multiple UAVs, the visualization of each drone feed in the operation, collaborative mission planning, and it provides situational awareness information through target recognition and live positional data.
Collaborative development of a synthetic task environment by academia and military
Rebensky, S., Carroll, M., Bennett, W., & Hu, X. (2020). Collaborative development of a synthetic task environment by academia and military. 2020 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference.
Virtual reality, augmented reality, and virtual environments: Demonstrations of current technologies and future directions
Ebnali, M., Bailey, S., Ciccone, B., Wilson, R., Rebensky, S., Carroll, M., Bennett, W., Hu, X., Reiner, A., Vasquez, H., Wooldridge, A., Lee, L., Verma, P., Jeong, H., Gisick, L., French., Keebler, J. (2020). Virtual reality, augmented reality, and virtual environments: Demonstrations of current technologies and future directions. HFES 2020.
Summer STEM Projects
VR Trauma Trainer
Wright Scholars in The GRILL®'s Summer Stem program developed a program to help train doctors to do rapid ultrasound exam for traumatic patients.
Simulation made with virtual reality and the Unreal Engine.
Used an HTC Vive Pro, Blender, and UE4 to create a testing environment with working organ animations.
AR Maintenance Trainer
The AR Maintenance Trainer needed to assist users as they perform a maintenance routine on a physical object by providing various forms of guidance.
The project concluded with the construction of an AR Maintenance Trainer that the customer, O'Neil and Associates, was happy with.
Multi-UAV Simulator
Create an application and virtual environment for humans to control multiple UAVs at once.
Students created a fully functional level with 4 independent UAVs which recognized and differentiated enemies from friends.
VR Laser Dazzle
AFRL's Human Performance Wing tests human performance when airmen are under impaired conditions such as a laser visual disruption.
AFRL tasked the GRILL® with making a cheaper, safer alternative to test human performance when inhibited by a laser.
Action: Students and GRILL® staff took parameters from a C++ file and generated a plugin to model the effects of a real laser within the Unreal Engine.
Result: A fully-functional virtual reality experience was implemented.