Co-located at the Dayton Regional STEM school, the GRILL® is ready to provide the expertise and technical knowledge you need to inspire the next generation of STEM talent. Want to work with us? Get in touch with our team for a tour or fill out an application below to take part in some of our great opportunities.
Co-located at the Dayton Regional STEM school, the GRILL® is ready to provide the expertise and technical knowledge you need to inspire the next generation of STEM talent. Want to work with us? Get in touch with our team for a tour or fill out an application below to take part in some of our great opportunities.
Shadowing & Internships
Shadowing & Internships
The GRILL has opportunities for internships and job shadows, such as the summer Wright Scholar Program and afterschool programs, throughout the year.
STEM Outreach
STEM Outreach
If you would like the GRILL to do a demo, speak at, or otherwise participate in your STEM event or class, let us know.
Teacher Participation at the GRILL
Teacher Participation at the GRILL
Teachers can participate in summer research, creating STEM curriculum, hosting camps, and more.
Questions? Concerns? Comments? We want to hear them. Submit them here!