Laser Eye Protection
The Laser Eye Protection simulator is a virtual reality (VR) simulation which provides realistic laser effects and tint effects that come with wearing laser eye protection.
Students at the GRILL® worked to make a simulation that allows people to experience the tinted vision that is caused by wearing laser eye protection (LEP).
Features and Design
Unreal Engine 4
HTC Vive Pro Eye
HTC Vive Pro
Tobii Eye Tracking
Aditya Anand
Sanjay Shankar
Samuel Skinner
Mr. Grant Arnold
Mr. Tim Rodabaugh
711th HPW-RHDO (Optical Radiation Bioeffects Branch)
Mr. Leon McLin
Outcomes and Additional Information
Laser dazzling has negative effects on vision, including obscuration of the visual field, causing unsafe situations for pilots and drivers.
A 2020 project focused on creating functions to model laser’s effects on the human eye with basic visual implementation. Then, a 2021 project expanded the work to include additional effects and eye tracking.
The team was challenged to create a computer simulation for desktop and VR featuring lasers and LEP, data logging, and a customizable environmental and laser settings.
The effort also included a scenario with wire guided anti-tank missile system and moving tanks.
Future developments can include the integration of laser effects and LEP into flight simulations, user controlled tanks and lasers via multiplayer, and expanded visual spatial tasks.